
Ilka Engell


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Fritz Scheffer

* 20.03.1899


1945 bis 1967  Director of the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science at the University of Göttingen
18 years President of the German Soil Science Society

Recipients of the Fritz-Scheffer-Award

Year Name Place of institute
2022 Florian Schneider Braunschweig
2021 Maik Lucas Halle/Saale
2021 Steffen Schweizer München
2021 Kenton Stutz Freiburg
2019 Sara Bauke Bonn
2017 Eva Kröner Landau
2015 Michaela Dippold Göttingen
2013 Michel Bechthold Jülich
2012 Jens Kruse Rostock
2011 Jessica Dittmar Düren
2009 Wibke Markgraf Kiel
2009 Thilo Eickhorst Bremen
2007 Robert Mikutta Halle
2006 Dominik Bänninger Basel
2003 Wulf Amelung Berlin
2001 Markus Deurer Hannover
1999 Bernhard Jene Hohenheim
1998 Daniel Grolimund Zürich
1997 Ludger Herrmann Hohenheim
1996 Petra Döll Berlin
1995 Andreas Papritz Zürich
1994 Thilo Streck Braunschweig
1991 Kurt Roth Zürich
1990 Reinhold Jahn Hohenheim
1989 Jörg Bachmann Hannover
1987 Gerhard Welp Bonn


Fritz-Scheffer-Award on the occasion of the 100th birthday (1999): Werner Gräsle, Kiel

Fritz-Scheffer-Award on the occasion of the German-Polish Conference in Frankfurt/Oder (2003): Jósef Chojnicki, Warschau



 § 1

The German Soil Science Society (DBG) awards the FRIZ-SCHEFFER-AWARD to young and talented scientific researchers for their outstanding achievements. The award consists of a certificate along with a two thousand five hundred Euro prize. The prize will be awarded by the President of the DBG at an appropriate event which will be announced in the DBG Newsletter. Special awards may be given under certain circumstances or for specific reasons.

§ 2

The prize is awarded on the basis of published dissertations, habilitation or publications in international journals as well as for outstanding films, media appearances and exhibitions of pedological content and great educational value. All of the doctoral theses, habilitations publications and exhibits that are proposed for the award must be assigned according to their content to at least one DBG Commission or an assigned working group according to their

§ 3

The presenting of the award will be administered by the President of the DBG at an appropriate ceremony for the event. The winner is to give a public speech on his/her work during the ceremony. In exceptional cases, the prize may be shared if the work was created in the close cooperation of several scholars/scientists.

§ 4

Proposals for the awarding of the prize may be submitted by DBG members to the President of the DBG. Applications on one’s own behalf are not possible. The application must be submitted to the President in writing along with four copies of the work to be taken into consideration. Documents enclosed with the application shall include a detailed justification and scientific assessment, the list of publications and a detailed curriculum vitae of the candidate. In coordination with the responsible chairman/chairwoman of the Commission, the President of the DBG selects three evaluators from within country or from abroad. The written evaluations shall be prepared within 12 weeks. In the event that an evaluator is unable to submit the evaluation or observe the given time frame, a new evaluator is to  be appointed.

§ 5

The President shall submit a drafted decision to the Extended Board during a meeting following the submission. In the event that several applications are submitted from different Commissions, the Extended Board decides on the basis of scientific criteria (originality, advancement of knowledge, form of presentation, informative value, and educational value) and the importance of the work or exposé. This decision must be made in the Extended Board
unanimously. In the case of equal evaluation results for several candidates, preference is given to the youngest scientist. The vote can be carried out electronically on a protected web page accessible to the Extended Board.

§ 6

The recipient will be informed in written form by the President of the DBG about the decision and the ensuing obligation to give a speech or presentation on the occasion of the next suitable DBG event. Members of the DBG will be informed about the speech or presentation in appropriate form.

§ 7

In the event that no application is accepted, there is no obligation to award the prize (and the funds) additionally in the following years.

Göttingen, August 2015

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