Karl-Heinz Feger

K I - Soil physics and hydrology

The subject areas of soil physics and soil hydrology include, among other things, the movement of water and gas in the soil, the transport of dissolved and particulate substances between the soil surface and groundwater, the exchange of energy, water, and gases between soils and the atmosphere, and the theoretical and measurement-based characterization of the structural, hydraulic, thermal, mechanical, and electromagnetic properties of soils from the macroscopic to the pore scale. We consider ourselves the "home" for all individuals within the DBG who have an interest in this subject area. Associated with Commission I is the Working Group 3-4D Soil Model.

Examples of topics of interest within Commission I (K1) include: Seasonal changes in the soil water balance of a grassland measured with moisture sensors (top left), microstructure examinations of soil with pore structure features of root channels, earthworm burrows, and shrinkage cracks measured with X-ray CT (top right), water content differences in the root zone of a corn plant measured with neutron radiography (bottom left), measurement of the water conductivity of an agricultural soil with a tension infiltrometer (bottom right). Image credits: Mengqi Wu (top left), Steffen Schlüter (top right), Mutez Ahmed (bottom right), Steffen Schlüter (bottom right).

The Commission I is represented at the annual meetings of the German Soil Science Society with various blocks of topics related to fundamental research, method development, and applied questions. In addition, biennial meetings of Commission I take place for scientific exchange on specific focal topics. Furthermore, members of the commission conduct multi-day method workshops announced on the DBG website. An integral part of the commission is its email distribution list. Here, all subscribers are informed about the commission's activities, relevant job postings, and much more. For registration info contact some of our members or the chairs directly

Working groups

Arbeitsgruppe 3 4D Bodenmodell


The Commission I is represented at the annual meetings of the German Soil Science Society with various blocks of topics related to fundamental research, method development, and applied questions. In addition, biennial meetings of Commission I take place for scientific exchange on specific focal topics. Furthermore, members of the commission conduct multi-day method workshops announced on the DBG website. An integral part of the commission is its email distribution list. Here, all subscribers are informed about the commission's activities, relevant job postings, and much more. For registration info contact some of our members or the chairs directly


The next annual meeting of Commission I will take place in September 2024 in Leipzig. Further information will follow on this website and in the email distribution list.



Dr. Steffen Schlüter, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ


Deputy chair:

Dr. Daniel Uteau Puschmann, K+S Kassel


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