Karl-Heinz Feger

K V - Soil genetics, soil systematics, soil information

Commission V brings together soil scientists from universities, state geological services and soil protection authorities. The commission acts as a bridge between science and application. The specialist content of Commission V covers the areas of soil genesis, soil mapping, soil systematics and soil geography, pedometry, palaeopedology as well as soil information management and soil evaluation. The focus is on soils in their landscape context and their social significance. Accordingly, the scale-dependent spatial and temporal derivation and modeling of soil properties and soil functions as well as their distribution and evaluation play an important role, as does the development of associated methods. In these areas, the aim is to promote the further scientific development of concepts, theories, methods, techniques and systematics and their implementation in practice.

Working groups

Boden und Archäologie

Böden in Schleswig-Holstein

Bodenschätzung und Bodenbewertung


Bodensensorik und Pedometrie


Urbane Böden

Activities 2024

Workshop Predictive Mapping in Braunschweig (WG Soil Sensors & Pedometry)

28.7-1.8. 2024 Workshop Soil Description & Soil Contest  in Blossin (WG Soil Systematics)

2.-4-09.2024 Addressing peatland and other organic soils with the help of the KA6; Dümmer area

30.09.-02.10.2024 Workshop Evaluation of post-mining soils in Cottbus (WG Soil Estimation & Soil Evaluation / WG Urban Soils)


Activities 2023

Workshop Soil Description & Soil Contest 31.8.-3.9. 2023 in Kloster Lehnin

Working excursion AG soil systematics „Krypto-Podzols“ 21.8-23.8.2023 Bellinzona, Switzerland

Workshop Classification of Histosols and other organic soils with the help of the new mapping guide (KA6) 25.09.-27.09.2023 Berlin



Dr. Albrecht Bauriegel Dez. Bodengeologie Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie u. Rohstoffe Inselstraße 26 D-03046 Cottbus Tel.: +49 (0)355 48640152


Deputy chair:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Raab BTU - LS Geopedologie u. Landschaftsentwicklung Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Siemens-Halske-Ring 8 03046 Cottbus Tel.: +49 0355-69-4224


Soil Contest

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