Corresponding members

Swen Reichhold

Corresponding members

Remarkable persons from abroad appointed by the unanimous vote of the Extended Board according to §3(5) of the Statutes. Thereby the international cooperation shall be fostered.
Year Corresponding members Place of institute
2023 Prof. Dr. Didas N. Kimaro  Moshi, Tanzania
2022 Prof. Dr. Claire Chenu Paris, France
Prof. Dr. Cezary Kabała Wroclaw, Poland
Prof. Dr. Yanhui Wang Bejing, China
2021 Prof. Dr. Seppe Dekkers Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Cindy Prescott Vancouver, Canada
2020 Prof. Dr. Rattan Lal Columbus, USA
2011 Prof. Dr. Tengiz F. Urushadze († 2021) Tbilisi, Georgia
2010 Prof. Dr. Holger Kirchmann († 2023) Uppsala, Sweden
2001 Dr. Jan A. K. Boerma Utrecht, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Radu Lăcătușu († 2020) Bucharest, Romania
1995 Prof. Dr. Hassan Meshref († 2016) Alexandria, Egypt
1991 Prof. Dr. Alojzy Kowalkowski († 2020) Kielce, Poland
Prof. Dr. Jan Němeček († 2018)   Prague, Czech Republic
1989 Prof. Dr. Johannes Bouma Wageningen, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Pál Stefanovits († 2016) Gödöllő, Hungary
1987  Prof. Dr. Welin Koinow († 1991) Sofia, Bulgaria
1983 Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Johanna Döbereiner († 2000) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Fiorenzo Mancini († 2015) Florence, Italy
Prof. Dr. Victor Neugebauer († 1987) Novi Sad, Serbia
1982 Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Felix N. Ponnamperuma († 1992) Manila, Philippines
1979   Dr. Klaus W. Flach († 2004) Davis, USA
Prof. Dr. Jul Låg († 2000) Ås, Norway
1977 Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Raoul Dudal († 2014) Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Dan H. Yaalon († 2014) Jerusalem, Israel
1973 Prof. Dr. Joel Lambert Wiklander († 1979) Uppsala, Sweden
1969 Prof. Dr. Adolf Mehlich († 1983) Raleigh, USA
1967 Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Bohdan Dobrzanski († 1987) Lublin, Poland
Prof. Dr. h.c. Philippe Duchaufour († 2000) Nancy, France
1965 Prof. Dr. Musierowicz († 1966) Warsaw, Poland
1961 Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Alexander van Baren († 1975) Amsterdam, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. János di Gléria († 1976) Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Erkki Oskari Kivinen († 1985)
Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Dr. Mikkel Ødelien († 1975)
Vollebekk, Norwegen
1956 Prof. Dr. Georges Barbier († 1996)
Versailles, France
Prof. Dr. Mihovil Gračanin († 1980)
Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Olof Tamm († 1980)
Stockholm, Schweden
Prof. Dr. René Tavernier († 1992)
Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Gunnar Torstensson († 1997) 
Uppsala, Sweden
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