Geologischer Dienst NRW

K IV - Soil fertility and plant nutrition

Commission IV of the DBG deals with soils under agricultural, horticultural and forestry use. Special focal points are

- Material turnover in the rooted soil

- Interactions with groundwater and the atmosphere

- Plant availability of nutrients and water

- Acquisition and release of nutrients by the roots

- Maintaining and increasing soil fertility

The aim is to promote scientific exchange in the research field of soil fertility and plant nutrition and to provide a forum for the discussion of current research topics. Students and young soil scientists are to be inspired for these specialised disciplines and supported in their research work. To this end, the members of Commission IV organise annual conferences and workshops on various topics relating to soil fertility and plant nutrition, often together with other DBG commissions or scientific societies. Due to overlapping research questions, there is very close cooperation with the German Society for Plant Nutrition (DGP) and the Society for Plant Production Sciences (GPW).

Working groups

AG Bodengase



Prof. Dr. Claas Nendel, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Eberswalder Straße 84, 15374 Müncheberg. +49 33432 82-355


Deputy chair:

PD Dr. Elke Bloem, Julius-Kühn-Institut, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde, Bundesallee 58, 38116  Braunschweig. +49 531 596 2312




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